The True Definition of Rescue - Help Annie and Daisy Dukes


IMG_1437What a pitiful picture! Annie was found stray in someone's backyard, which is really thermunimaginable when you hear all of the medical issues this baby has been battling.  This little Jack Russell mix is about 9-10 years old. She is SKINNY, has FLEAS, has infected ears, worms, terrible teeth and a large bladder stone in need of removal.

However, we have not even mentioned her most noticeable issue - the terribly swollen rear leg. X-rays don't show any broken bones, but the swelling needs to come down for them to make a final diagnosis and determine if an amputation or surgery is needed. The nails in that foot had grown into the pad causing a massive infection on top over everything else. Where did this poor girl come from and what happened to her?

She doesn't move around much, but she can walk a little.  She is on antibiotics, pain medication, anti-inflammatories, and ear medicine - for now. 

 What is even more amazing is that this dog is sweet and loving to complete strangers, while in a great deal of pain and discomfort. Annie's vet bills will cost $2,000 or more. Make a donation to her medical care today. Let's fill her thermometer with donations and prayers!   
  [add_to_cart item="063014" quantity="user:1" text="Donate to Annie" ] 
YOU HAVE RAISED $535 FOR ANNIE (Updated: 7/4)
UPDATE 7/1: Annie has a mammary mass, needs additional teeth removed and will need her leg amputated. 😕


Daisy_Duke-11When you see this beautiful picture you would not imagine this is a sick dog, but Daisy Dukes needs your help! The past week she has been having issues urinating, so we did a urinalysis and found that she had urinary crystals, not terribly uncommon. She immediately began antibiotics, prescription food and pain medicine to help clear up the crystals. As you can imagine, crystals in urine can be very painful.


Friday we had an x-ray done which showed Gall stones, a bulged Lumbar Spine Disc (not currently causing issues), a large bladder stone and pieces of stone, fragments, floating around her urethral opening from the bladder. YIKES!

With so much going on she could easily become blocked and unable to urinate, but we could not schedule surgery until Monday (today). This weekend we opted to keep her at emergency vet for observation in case she did become blocked and needed emergency surgery. Luckily that didn't happen and she will be having surgery today to hopefully remove the stones and fragments causing her so much trouble. Emergency bills and her surgery have cost $1,000. Let's fill her thermometer with donations and prayers that her surgery goes well today!  

 [add_to_cart item="0630141" quantity="user:1" text="Donate to Daisy Dukes" ] 

YOU HAVE RAISED $125 FOR DAISY (Updated: 7/4)

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