Please help, lifesaving surgery needed

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My name is Happy Clam, because I am happy as a clam! I am only a few months old and happy to be alive and safe from harm, but I have a brain disorder and need help, FAST!

When Furkids rescued me from a high-kill animal control, they thought I was an "Applehead Chihuahua" because of my rather large head. It would have been nice if that was the case. However, I actually have hydrocephalus  a.k.a. water on the brain. Thank goodness Furkids saved me! They will do everything in their power to get me the surgery I desperately need to survive. 

Spinal fluid is building up in my brain and I need a shunt installed to move the fluid to my tummy. If I don't get this soon I could develop permanent brain and nerve damage. Otherwise my brain and my nerves could be damaged forever and I am at risk of seizures and death. I am just a puppy, and have so much life to live. I also have a soft spot on my head that will never go away, so my foster family has to be extra careful around my head.

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happy clam

Thank goodness for Furkids! They made an appointment for me to see a special doctor at the University of Georgia's School of Veterinary Medicine. I'm actually there today, Thursday May 29, with my foster mom getting tests and bloodwork while they develop a plan to save my life!

The tests, including a special MRI, and surgery will cost close to $7,000! Furkids cares for hundreds of homeless animals and this surgery is an unexpected cost for them. They won't let me down, I know that; but you can help them. Your donation will make a huge difference - to my life, and to all the other homeless pets that Furkids saves!

Will you help me get better? Please donate now! 

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