Use your phone to stay healthy and help animals

Most people these days have smartphones filled with Apps to make our lives easier or more interesting and entertaining. From mind-numbing Candy Crush, to Pandora for your favorite music. It seems like there is an App for everything! Did you know that some Apps can help save animals, while you get healthy? 

Here are two very cool Apps we want to share!

ResQwalkResQwalkResQwalk ResQwalk copyResQwalk (iPhone only)

ResQwalk enables you to raise money for animal rescues and shelters just by going for a walk! It’s free. It’s easy. And you can help save lives. They also have a online store called ResQthreads. Furkids receives part of the profits when you purchase any of their merchandise. 

1. Download the App.
2. Choose Furkids as your charity of choice.
3. Each time you go on a walk or run, start and stop the App. The more miles our fans log, the more of the weekly donation pool our shelter will receive.  It is THAT simple. 
Here is a simple tutorial if you need additional assistance using the App.

Wooftrax "Walk for a Dog" (Android or iPhone)

Use this free app every time you walk your dog! Every mile you walk, they donate to the animal shelter or rescue organization of your choice. The more you Take your Walk for a Dog, the more they can donate. 

1. Download the App.
2. Choose Furkids as your charity of choice.
3. Create profiles of your canine walking partners (optional).
4. Each time you go on a walk or run, start and stop the App. The more miles our fans log, the more donations our shelters will receive. It is THAT simple. 

So what are you waiting for? Get healthy and help animals in need! Share this with friends and family, and make sure they download these awesome Apps too! 

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