Pongo the Puppy Fights to Heal

He was taken immediately to the vet and you can see why. This itty bitty boy has mange from head to toe and tail. He is hairless and honestly looks like a chicken without feathers, yet his personality and spirit have won everyone over. We don't even know what breed he is yet, but we can't wait to see his hair grow back and find what is hiding within. He is a kind and loving puppy despite his hardship and enjoys being carried around like a human baby by staff members. In addition to mange, he has Rickets which is a bone disease. It is possible he inherited the disease or he didn't get enough nutrition as a little puppy, but we hope with proper nutrition now his bones will grow big and strong.
We need you to become one of "Pongo's Pals" and make a $10 donation to his care today. Mange treatment, vet visits, special food and supplements, plus special dips and shampoos can be costly. Your support and donations mean the world to Pongo, without them he would not be healing in loving arms.