Kittens in a Nest, Twenty Feet Up in a Tree!

Rescuers say it all the time, "Now I've seen everything." But Mom Cat Acacia just laughed; and said "You ain't seen nothin' yet!"

To prove her point, Acacia gave birth to four babies. In a nest, in a tree. Yep, the clever stray found a safe and cozy hidey-hole and delivered Spruce, Sylvan, Willow, and Hemlock, twenty feet up, away from prying human eyes

The property owner, who had been feeding Mom, guessed that Acacia had been coming and going from the nest for just over a week. We knew that, if there really were babies up there, they would open their eyes soon, and they would start to motor about. The clock was ticking, and we had to get them to safety, right away.

We didn't want to call the fire department. Suppose the nest held nothing but a napping stray? So the word went out on our Facebook page - we needed a volunteer with a ladder. A Super-Staffer, and a ladder-toting Good Samaritan, met at the scene that evening. They made the climb, and rescued the four tree-dwelling babies. Mom was shy, but a volunteer trapped her the next morning. 

You can imagine the huge sighs of relief when the Tree Family was finally reunited!

Now they are all together in foster care, and the kittens are learning about life on the ground. Not a minute too soon, either. The kittens opened their eyes and started to crawl the day after their rescue.

Spruce, Sylvan, Willow, and Hemlock will surely have many adventures in the years to come. We're betting, though, nothing to compare to the first chapter of their lives. Kittens in a nest, in a tree...their story is definitely one for the Furkids record book!
This story is just one of the extraordinary rescue tales our volunteers and staff have accomplished this year. Make a donation in on honor of the tireless work they do each and every day to save more lives and show animals The Way Home.  

Written by: Nancy Pihera

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