PETriots for Patriot

Thanks to several generous donations from our PETriots, Furkids was able to save the life of a 4-week-old kitten ove the 4th of July weekend. He came to Furkids from animal control and was appropriately named Patriot. Poor 11 ounce Patriot was severely dehydrated and emaciated, had tapeworms, and was covered in so many fleas that his fur felt grainy. The fleas had drained so much blood from Patriot’s tiny body that he was anemic. He wasn’t expected to make it through his first night.
Patriot was lucky enough to go into a foster home where he has been able to recuperate and receive the one-on-one care he needed to survive. After many treatments, Furkids is happy to report that Patriot is doing very well. At first he was getting fed via syringe, but he is strong enough now to eat on his own. He has gained close to three ounces since he was rescued, and will continue to gain as the tapeworms die off. His foster mom reports that he is quite playful now that he is feeling better.

This is what your donations do for homeless animals. With your help, we were able to save Patriot’s life. Please consider contributing to Furkids at Your support could mean the difference between life and death for an animal in need, so we’d like to give a BIG THANK YOU to everyone who participated in our PETriot campaign.

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