Furry Five - Dogs Undercover

The stories are always heart-wrenching, but sometimes they are much sadder than we imagine when we get the rescue call. In April 2014, we received a call from a woman giving up her late ex-husband’s five shih tzu dogs. She had helped care for her ex-husband during his final months while he battled a terminal illness. After he passed away, she planned to move and could not continue to care for his dogs. She reached out to Furkids and luckily we had room.

Booboo before

Peanut AfterPeanut Before

At this point, the only information we had about the dogs' conditions came from blurry photos, and phone conversations. We knew that the dogs needed medical care, were not fixed, and they all needed grooming, but we were not prepared for what we saw and smelled when they arrived...

You have seen the deplorable pictures of animals in breeding mills, cranking out little ones for profit. Filthy. Matted. Living in excrement, without any medical attention whatsoever. Food and water are the only amenities. Clearly, these poor creatures had endured similar situations...but life for the "Furry Five", Boo Boo, Peanut, Cocoa, Red, and Pee-Wee, was about to take a dramatic turn for the better!

These dogs did not just need a little extra care, but they were actually in such poor shape we had to call our wonderful groomer friend, Jun Yun, at Furrific Spaw in Chamblee and ask for help with emergency grooms. The first issue we had to address was their feet. The dogs could barely walk; their paw fur was severly matted, and their toenails had grown into their pads. Poor little Peanut actually will have to have a toe amputated due to the severity of a toe infection.

You can see a video below of Jun grooming Boo Boo and then Peanut. It took ten hours to groom both dogs. They had to be soaked in soapy water to allow the mats to come apart enough to cut them away from the skin. 



Red and PeeWeeIt takes YEARS of neglect for a dog to develop these types of mats; which were so extreme in these five that we could not tell the mats from their ears! These types of mats can cause excruciating pain. They pull the skin; and they trap debris, bacteria and moisture. Several of the

pups had raging skin infections. A few of the dogs need additional medical care such as dental cleanings and hernia repairs.

Neglect is abuse, plain and simple. These animals may not have been hit, beaten or burned, but they suffered needlessly for years, until arriving at Furkids. Thank goodness the woman called us. Thank goodness we had the room, and the resources to take these miserable creatures; and give them the opportunity to heal. And, thank goodness for the donors who make it possible for us to save lives. It is YOUR help tha

t allows us to continue this life-changing work. If you are appalled at their story, please donate to the "Furry Five".

Boo Boo healed quickly, and was released for adoption. She found the PERFECT mama, and is happily embarking on her new life! Peanut, Pee-Wee, Red, and Cocoa are available for adoption now. You can be their Happy Ending - apply to adopt!Boo Boo Adopted

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