Mac Daddy

In the past 12 years rescuing animals in Georgia, Furkids has saved more than 10,000 animals. We have never seen an abuse case this horrible. We hope the monsters who did this are caught and brought to justice and we are working with law enforcement to do just that. All we can do now is help Mac Daddy survive this ordeal and make it out the other side - alive. 


On Thursday April 24 we received a phone call from a fellow rescuer about a cat walking around an apartment complex with severe wounds. It was clear after talking, that this cat was in bad shape. We asked her to get the kitty in a carrier and bring it over to our vet for evaluation.

What we saw when he arrived is enough to make your stomach churn. Just writing this story and inserting the images has made me need some peptobismal. The cat had maggots all over his body. Disgusting, yes! However, without those maggots he would be dead. They actually helped clean his wound and prevent infection and sepsis. 

After cleaning the wound of debris and maggots it was time to evaluate what exactly were we dealing with? Was this an injury from a car? An animal attack? How did he get to be like this. The vets sadly feel someone poured boiling hot water over his body intentionally inflicting this injury and causing suffering and pain. It is truly unimaginable to think what kind of person could do this? Even more heart-breaking, vets feel this injury is close to 2-weeks old! The picture to your right is not bloody. The area was "scrubbed" with an antibacterial soap and dried prior to receiving laser treatment for his burns. 

After investigation, Gwinnett County Animal Welfare and Enforcement believes they know who this person is and is working to press charges.

After a few days in the care of Dr. Miller at ___ he is doing well, considering all he has been through. He is on pain medication, IV fluids and laser therapy treatment. Blood work shows he is a little anemic, but that is from the burn which is slowly healing, but it also shows he is Feline Leukemia positive. (what to say about this) He had full body x-rays to see the big picture. In cases like this he will look worse, before he looks better. To the left he is pictured in burn cream to sooth his wounds. 

Mac Daddy will have to stay in the care of Dr. Miller for at least the next two weeks for multiple debridements and laser therapy, which require him to be placed under anesthesia while they clean his wounds. 



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