Accentuate the PAWSitive - FIV is No Big Deal!

On April 22nd, we hosted our very first "Accentuate the PAWSitive" PAWty to spotlight our fabulous felines who happen to test positive for FIV (Feline Immunodeficiency Virus). Long misunderstood, these beautiful, friendly, and highly-adoptable cats are sometimes viewed as a threat to non-FIV kitties, although the virus is transmitted only through deep bite wounds (the type delivered by un-altered territorial toms), and from mom to baby. They have even been euthanized, because they were deemed "sick". FIV cats do have an elevated risk for very treatable conditions like upper respiratory infections, but these are easily detected and resolved. The fact is, with normal veterinary care, the life expectancy of an FIV+ cat is no different than the lifespan of an FIV- cat.



Furkids knows the facts, and we wanted to spread the good word. So we threw a PAWty! And we had SO. MUCH. FUN. The FIV Suite was abuzz all day, and the kitties had Special Guests - adorable Abby Tabby, and the Official AdvoCAT for FIV, Alastor Moody! It was a very touching celebration.

If you missed it, no worries! We are going to PAWty again! In the meantime, remember - FIV+ cats can live happily, and in good health, with their FIV- buddies. At Furkids, there are no adoption fees for our FIV cats, and we include a free year of vetting! You can't tell a cat's FIV status by looking at him. And, as we always say, FIV is NBD (No Big Deal)! Adopt an FIV cat, y'all!

Watch a great video and check out all of our wonderf FIV+ Cats here.



Furkids needs your help to to continue this lifesaving mission of saving FIV+ Cats.  Food, enrichment toys, cleaning supplies are all critical expenses.  Click here to sponsor an FIV+ Cat, an FELV+ Cat or any cat in the shelter for just $45 a month!

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