A Message from our Kitties

We love our cozy cubbies, but we have been hard on them. We need them remade with the proper materials to withstand our use. Will you buy us new cubbies? They are $50 each and we need at least 32!!!

Buy one now!

 [add_to_cart item="0015" quantity="user:1" ] 

Thank you to those who have donated a cubbie, or two!

Helen Johnson
Cecil Clontz
Elizabeth Curry
Deborah Field
Ada Shorr
Jim & Nancy Pihera
Garett Eckelhoff
Richard Brown
Barbara Orloff
Kay Giaquinto
Debby Thornton
Rhonda Gallups
Carol Mees
Deborah Tolley
Emily Dupree
Beth Hawkins
Anita Lynn
Tammy Bailey
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