$9 Cat Adoptions at Furkids in June!

$9 Cat Adoptions at Furkids

If you have been thinking about adopting a cat, NOW’S THE TIME! Furkids Cat Shelter is offering a $9 adoption fee for all cats one year and older, who are at the Cat Shelter.

This adoption fee covers the following vetting for your cat:

  • Sterilization
  • Combo test for cats
  • FVRCP vaccinations
  • Rabies vaccination
  • Deworming
  • Flea treatment
  • Ear mite treatment (if needed)
  • Microchip
  • Any other vetting as needed, such as additional testing, major surgery, etc.
  • Ongoing complimentary nail trimmings
  • Furkids as a resource for the life of the animal

This low adoption fee is only available through the month of June. To view our adoptable cats, please visit our website at www.furkids.org/cat-adoptions or come to the shelter located at 2650 Pleasantdale Rd, Ste 8, Atlanta, GA 30340. The shelter is open Mondays 12-5, Wednesdays 12-7, Fridays 12-7, Saturdays  11-4. 

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