The Senior Solution! Seniors Chloe and Freckles Go Home…

We Couldn't Wait to Share! CHLOE And FRECKLES Go Home!

All adoptions are celebrations, but some just plain rock our world. Chloe and Freckles came to Furkids as seniors who had lost their home, and they were strongly bonded. While they were happy enough as "Greeter Cats" at Furkids, their position was eliminated because of work happening at the shelter; so Chloe and Freckles were on the prowl for a home of their own.

It's not easy to home a bonded pair of kitties, much less a bonded pair of seniors. But one day, ace counselor Jeanni was serendipitiously - and quite accidentally - at the Mall of Georgia PetSmart adoption center, when a couple came in to find out about kitties who might fit their needs. They did not want young cats who might outlive them, and were looking for older cats in need of a good home. So, Jeanni brokered this match made in heaven. The couple has made provisions for their new family members - should anything happen to them, one of their children will care for Chloe and Freckles. Yep, PURRfect.

And the moral of this story is that happy endings DO happen! If you, or someone you know, would love a pet but fret that they will outlive you, a senior is the solution. All the company, all the joy none of the worry. Furkids can help you structure an adoption solution to work for you; plus, senior pets have low, or NO, adoption fees!

Don't miss out, apply to adopt today at

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