Spike has Spirit!

Hi, I’m Spike. I only just arrived to Furkids earlier this week. Furkids got a call came to rescue me and my two fur-siblings. They found me outside in the garbage-filled backyard where we lived. The Furkids vets said I am sick and have Parvovirus, but my humans never took me to the vet to get a check-up, so how was I supposed to know? I also was suffering from Heat Stroke from being left out in the summer sun with nowhere to go. I’m a Poodle with black hair, so I get hot pretty easily.

Furkids got to me and the two dogs I lived with just in time. I am being carefully monitored, but I have a long road to recovery. Please help my friends and me get the care we need; the estimated costs are $1500! Donate now at furkids.org/donation and follow Furkids on Facebook for my updates. 

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