Shenandoah and Trooper Need Help

I’m Shenandoah and I need some help.
I’ve had this awful, scratchy feeling in my eyes since I was a baby. It feels like something is always in my eyes, and no matter how hard I rub or scratch them back, it never goes away.

My siblings and I were rescued by Furkids one day when we were trying to find shelter at a playground. When we arrived at their shelter, we were taken to a room with a doctor and examined. They said that I was born with a rare condition where all my eyelashes grow the wrong way. That explains the constant pain! They said that surgery would fix my eyes, but I have had surgery three times and it isn’t working.

I was taken to a great foster home with my sister and lots of other rescued cats. My foster mom is the best! She gives me lots of love and treats, which definitely distracts me from all the pain and treatments they are trying. Most recently, I saw an Ophthalmology Specialist who said they are going to try a cryosurgery to correct my condition. Cryosurgery is very expensive and Furkids needs help to finally correct my eyes.  I don't want to continue to live in pain. Can you please help me with my surgery? Any amount is appreciated and will go a long way towards our goal of raising $1,500. Thank you, friends

My name is Trooper. I don’t think I had a name before I came to Furkids. I think I remember being outside a lot. All I know forsure is being excited that we were going for a car ride. I was a good boy and sat in my crate, even though I wanted to be sitting in my person’s lap. The car finally stopped. “Oh, boy!” I barked. “We have arrived!” My tail started wagging as I prepared for my person to open my crate door. Just then, I felt a jolt and my head hit the side of my crate. There must have been some kind of mistake. All I could see and hear were cars speeding all around me. My heart was beating so fast. “I have to find my person,” I cried as I urgently scratched at my crate door.

I’m not sure how long I was sitting in the middle of that busy road… It felt like forever. I was so scared, I can barely remember hearing a car slow down. Someone looked in the crate and asked me if I was okay. It wasn’t my person like I had hoped it would be. They sat me and my crate down next to them in the car. I was happy to be out of the way of those scary cars, but I was still frightened because I thought I would be put on the road again.

 Luckily, I was taken to a loud, busy place. I heard other dogs barking, and there were lots of people looking at me. When they opened the door of my crate to take me out, I was terrified. What would they do to me? “You’re not my person,” I cried. I heard them talking about me saying words I didn’t understand. “Heartworm? Pneumonia? What does it mean to be 10 pounds underweight?”

I heard them say that Furkids was going to rescue me. I wasn’t sure what that meant for me at the time, but boy, oh, boy! It was the best thing that had ever happened to me. It was a little scary getting checked out and treated by Furkids’ “medical team” (that’s what they call themselves), but I was taken to a new “foster” home where I get lots of love and care. That means that I won’t be here forever, just until I start feeling better and can be “adopted” (adopted means that someone will take me home and love me for the rest of my life). 

For now, I’m just focused on taking all my medicine and trying to feel better, but I have a long way to go. My vetting costs were expensive, and Furkids wouldn’t have been able to do it

 without your donations. Thank you so much for allowing me to get 

the care I desperately needed.  Please help Furkids help other animals like me who are in dire need of medical care by donating. You will be saving lives.



These are just two of the many medical cases that Furkids takes on. This is the work we do. Sometimes we know what we are getting, but most times we don't. We have to work to rescue these animals fast, and sometimes even in the middle of the night. As you can imagine, taking care of our shelters, staff and animals is costly, but it’s the cases like these that run our medical costs through the roof. We can plan and prepare, but unfortunately, there is no predicting the cases that will fall at our feet.

Caring for animals like these is expensive, and this is where we need you. You have two ways to help the Furkids animals.  The first is donations.  And we’ve made it easy for you to sustain us.  Just decide what you want to donate, whether it’s $10, $15, $25, $50 – or any amount – and go to our website to give a one-time gift or set up a monthly donation.  You can be confident that we spend your money wisely, because the Petco Foundation just recognized Furkids as one of their 19 best shelter organizations in the country. They told us that they know when they give us money, we do great lifesaving work with it!

You also can adopt a Furkid, and urge your friends to adopt.  Our shelters are full, and we’ve had to slow our intakes.  We have over 100 dogs and 800 cats available for adoption.  We have already had over 1,200 adoptions this year!  Please open your home to a Furkid and you’ll open your family to an animal’s lifetime of love.  Find your forever dog friend here and cat friend here.

We can’t do this without your help. We are asking everyone to please donate. If everyone gave just a little bit, we would be able to save more lives. Funds and adoptions are always low in the summer. We really need your help to continue to save more dogs and cats. Thank you, friends, for your kindness and generosity! We are so grateful! 

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