Shamus almost lost everything

 Shamus lost his new home and almost lost his life...

Shamus was adopted to a family with two young boys a few weeks ago, sadly the family decided to return Shamus. After going back to his original foster mom it was evident something was wrong. His foster mom brought him to the vet for observation after a very difficult night.

Shamus has been at the vet for three days now. After x-rays, blood work, IV fluids and medication he was not getting any better, so we opted for exploratory surgery to see what was causing his illness.

The vet found a knot from a rope toy lodged in his small intestine. Without this surgery Shamus could have died. We are so happy he is doing better and currently recovering from surgery, but his emergency bills will cost over $1,000.

Please donate now toward his care!

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UPDATE ON SHAMUS: On the left you will see the rope that Shamus had lodged in his small intestine causing him to need surgery. On the right is Shamus happy back with his foster mom. He is very lucky to be alive! His medical care was around $1,400. A huge thank you to his donors: Carol N, Julie M, Erin W, Marilyn C, Teresa A, Amanda B, Roxanna H, and Robin of Best Little Dog House in GA for raising $705 dollars toward his medical care.

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