Record Shattering Adoption Month - 321 Pets Adopted in August 2015

To say that August was a good month for our homeless animals is an understatement! This August, our adoption teams placed 247 cats and 74 dogs into new forever families! That is a RECORD for Furkids for the most animals adopted in one month EVER! We could not be happier or more proud to do what we do. We look forward to breaking this record in the near future. How about September? Do you think we can do it? We know we can - but we need your help. We need you to share our animals, share our mission and encourage adoption as the only option to friends, family and colleagues. Together we can make Atlanta a no-kill city, but it requires ALL of us to be a part of the movement. A HUGE thank you and GIANT hug to our adoption teams for their tireless work. These volunteers do not get paid! They simply love helping match families and pets and making furry love connections. Congratulations to the happy families. We hope to hear many happy tails soon. You can send happy tail stories to [email protected] anytime!

Here is a listing of the animals adopted. To see more pictures visit this album

CATS (247): Abbie 151210, Adalina 151322, Aidan 151425, Alice 150449, Almond 150963, Amelia 151083, Ana 150855, Apple Blossom 150534, April 150492, Arquillian 151354, Audrey 151373, Avon 151055, B-52 150761, Babs 150920, Bagel 151277, Baldwin 150652, Banana Split 150642, Barbie 150747 (pictured left), Bear 151005, Becky 151282, Beetle Bug 150293, Bigsby 151027, Black Pearl 151244, Bonnie 151257, Brady 150514, Brett 150809, Brooke 150340, Bubbles 150398, Carol Beth 151436, Cary 151098, Cashew 150962, Cezanne 151266, Charity 151320, Charles 14107, Cherry Blossom 150535, Chi 151563, Chunky Monkey 150786, Cinnamon Buns 150783, Comet 151017, Compassion 151319, Constance 151321, Cowboy 151356, Creamsicle 150376, Cruze 151249, Daelyn 14132, Dalai 141231, Dano 151569, Desi 150200, Dimanche 151615, Drake (Cleveland) 151238, Duchess #1  9255, Easton 151153, Edison 151154, Edward 151139, Edward R Purrow 150408, Elijah 151335, Elvin 151337, Ember 150310, Emma 151332, Eva 150312, Evander 150311, Evans 150512, Evonne 150314, Fawn 150781, Finley 150458, Finnerty 150810, Fire 150699, Flotsam 151398, Francesca 151583, Frank 150731, Froyo 151253, Ghost 150617, Gizmo 151137, Godiva 150713, Grappa 151206, Grey Poupon 151242, Gucci 151600, Hadley 150813, Hawthorne 150923, Hazel 151495, Heidi 151496, Hemlock 150877, Hercules 150618, Hershey 150714, Hooper 150635, Huey 150727, Hushpuppy 151278, Iffy 150080, Jabba 150859, Jackpot 151598, Jamie 151497, Janet 150625, Jessie 151143, Jetsam 151399, Jeudi 151610, Jim 151284, Joey 151382, Josh Meowkowitz 150409, Joy 8168, Keebler 151064, Kia 14128, Kida 151081, Kimball 14098, Klondike 151251, Kukla 150730, Lady Lucia 151087, Laila 150952, Lane 150812, Laurent 150932, Lawrence 150942, Leeroy 150507, Lena 150941, Lennon 150908, Leona 150769, Leslie 8170, Lily 150461, Little Puma 151434, Louie 150729, Lucy 151362, Luke 150758, Lundi 151609, Lynn 151483, Magpie 151105, Maple Syrup 150665, Marcia 150627, Mardi 151611, Marilyn Meow 151607, Mary Beth 151552, Max 150160, Max 151237, McKenna 150811, McLendon 151024, Megan 151231, Meloni 150899, Mercredi 151612, Meryl 150953, Michelle 150896, Midnight 151056, Milledge 150763, Mimi 151140, Miss Anna 151490, Mitzi Moo 151608, Mom May 151437, Momo 151393, Moo Moo 151007, Morris 151616, Ms. Jackson 14020, Nabisco 151065, Nala 151082, Nancy 150624, Nevada 150116, Norcross 151176, Olivia 150787, Ollie 150732, Orbit 150685, Oregano 150413, Oreo Cookie 151435, Panda Bear 150726, Pardner 150558, Peach Blossom 150536, Pebbles 150779, Peggy 151227, Petee 150795, Pewter 151328, Phoenix 150647, Phyllis 150649, Picasso 151265, Piccolo 151538, Pixie 151136, Platinum 151327, Poms 150446, Ponyboy 150454 (pictured right), Poppy 150444, Praline 150643, Princeton 150256, Providence 150246, Rhumba 13275, Rita 151385, Rocco 151383, Rocket 150921, Rudy 150636, Rumer 150954, Sable 151329, Samedi 151614, Sanford 150762, Sapphira 150881, Schooner 150834, SciFi 151295, Seabiscuit 151013, Secretariat 151012, Sheila 141528, Silver 151331, Simon 151294, Simone 151039, Sir Meowsworth 151226, Snag 150940, Sodapop 150457, Soot 150543, Spruce 150874, Steinway 150651, Surge 150939, Susan 151482, Suzanna 14164, Sylvan 150875, Tabitha 151664, Tai 151562, Takata 151560, Tallulah 150700, Tammy 14240, Tarragon 150412, Tate 10227, Teebo 150561, Teeny Tiny 150292, Teeter 150930, Tiger 150768, Token 151599, Tony 151432, Toonces 151197, Totter 150931, Trooper 151480, Tubbs 151720, Tug 150833, Uliana 151195, Uma 151194, Unique 151191, Venus 150969, Vermont - Paola 150987, Viola 151539, Walden 12658, Whiskers 150755, Whitney 150907, Willow 151419, Willow 150876, Wingfield 151438, Wink 150791, Winston 150459, Winston 150839, Woodstock 150496, Wrigley 150684, Xavier 150748 (pictured left), Yoko 151392, Yoshi 151561, Zagha 150878, Zagnut 151095, Zazzy 151079, Zion 150831, Zorro 150616

DOGS (74): Ranger, Ryleigh, Rocky Road, Hannah, Kulfi, Egg Nog, Toffeeness, Pumpkin Cheesecake, Isaac, Piper, Emily, Bella Butterscotch, Ruby, Michael, Gabe, Colton, Logan, Jackson, Scarlett, Harper, Molly Ann, Newton, Brownie Bites, Gracie Elizabeth, Missy, Violet, Mackenzie, Caleb, Benjamin, Madison, Keith Urban, Myriad, Arizonia, Langdon, Archer, Rosetta, Meghan Trainor, Jack, Garamond, Kaufmann, Cooper Black, Odawalla, Citra, Slade, Clady (pictured right), Spot, Bo Bandon, Jellybean, Peridot, Cookie, Brownie, Gien, Mason, Toby Turtle Tracks, Chocolate Marble, Carter: Cookies N Ceam, Double Dark Chocolate, Oreo Truffle, Moose Tracks, Boom Chocolatta, Fudge Ripple, Banana Split, Ellie Icing, Coriander, Phish Food, Half Baked, Chubby Hubby, Cherry Garcia, Shepard, Tux, Baby Cakes, Aubrie, Bear Tracks

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