No Fee for FIV - Let us PROVE FIV is not a death sentence

WindyMy friend Carla was excited. She was adopting a beautiful long-haired tabby found hanging around a friend’s farm; and she had already decided to name him Wiley. She couldn’t wait to bring Wiley home to meet her cat-loving dachshund, Millie. Carly’s friend was so glad to have found an adopter that he offered to take Wiley to his own vet for a check-up.

The next day, I got a call from a tearful Carla. “Wiley has AIDS! I can’t adopt him - no one will!”

“Carla, do you mean that he tested positive for FIV?” I asked.

“Yes, that’s cat AIDS, right?”

Carla hadn’t had a cat in quite a while, and she clearly needed current information. I explained that Feline Immunodeficiency Virus is not AIDS. It affects cats only, and poses no risk to humans, or dogs, or any other household members. And, although it can compromise a cat’s immune system, making it more difficult for him to fight off infection, FIV+ cats can (and do!) live long and healthy lives.

She calmed down a bit. “But, that means I can never adopt another cat, right? Wiley would spread the disease.”

“Unless Wiley is the kind of cat who goes around viciously attacking other kitties, and inflicting serious tom-cat-type bite wounds, there’s no danger of transmission. Not from sharing bowls, or litter boxes, or playing, or grooming. The only other method of possible transmission is when a mom births babies, but I don‘t think your neutered boy will be having kittens.”

Some sniffing, then, “You’re sure?”

“I’m sure.”

“Yay! I’m off to the pet store. Thank you. I knew you would have the answers, since you volunteer for Furkids!”

There are vets, and even rescue groups, who don’t have the latest info on FIV. Many rescues will not accept FIV+ cats and kittens. Furkids is different. Not only do we rescue them, we have dedicated space for them; so they can be properly monitored. And we place them for adoption! We give potential adopters the knowledge they need to integrate these special animals into their households.

In fact, we are so sure that they will be PURRFECT family members, we’re launching a “No Fee for FIV” promotion! Approved adopters pay NO adoption fees for FIV+ cats; AND, they receive ALL medical care and shots for one full year. What a great way to learn the joy and satisfaction of adopting often-overlooked animals, and ease into life with your perfectly normal feline BFFs! So browse adoptable FIV+ cats now, like Windy pictured above.

- Nancy P.

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