National Volunteer Week, April 10-16!

Volunteers are the life blood of Furkids! We are blessed to have over 1000 of the best and brightest volunteers that serve our animals and the community! Here are some of the many, many services (in no particular order) that they provide to the cats and dogs, and for that, they, and the Furkids staff, are forever grateful!  Please join us in wishing our volunteers a Happy National Volunteer Week! Our animals send them a big, sloppy kiss from their favorite dog or cat!





Here’s what volunteers do to make a difference in the life of an animal:


Window-washer           Floor-sweeper              Store volunteer

Dog-brusher                 Auction item donor     Litter box cleaner

Laundry folder              Group leader                Adoption counselor

Foster home                 Store manager             Social media

Graphic design             Event management     HVAC filter changer

Photograph taker         Dishwasher                   Dog walker

Transporter                   Ambassador                 Thrift store assistance

Bottle feeder                Monthly donor             Database development

Data entry                    Crate training               Brusher of Cats

Pooper scooper            Floor cleaner                Cat trappers

Behavioral trainer        Toy maker                    IT assistance

Surgical assistance       Landscaping                 Construction

Leash Training              Medical team               Supply runs

Thanks, All!


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