Calling All Hottest Hounds in Atlanta!

A NEW BOOK, featuring Atlanta's Hottest Dogs is being published, with profits benefitting FURKIDS!

Hottest Hounds Atlanta is a beautiful coffee table book that features photographs of local dogs at area hot spots. 30% of the sale of each book will benefit FURKIDs, Georgia's largest no-kill animal shelter,  to help our four-legged friends in need. 

All dogs, big and small, rescue and full-bred are invited to be a part of theHottest Hounds book! Our professional photographer does an amazing job of capturing each dog's unique personality. 




For more information, email [email protected], and see photos from past year's books at

Purchase your dog's (or dogs') spot in this special book today. The next photo shoot is May 13 and 14! The completed book will be unveiled in November. Be sure to secure your page today or purchase one for a friend - What a special and unique gift for the person who has everything!





Options for purchase:

  • ONE PAGE for $150
  • TWO-PAGE SPREAD for $300 
  • (Two-page spread required for more than three dogs.)
  • CD/Digital Upload of up to 10 of the best pictures from your photo shoot, including one of you and your pooch, can be purchased at the photo shoot for $50.
  • $50 of the sale of each page will benefit Furkids
  • The book will retail for $40 at the launch party in November and 30% of the sale of each book will benefit Furkids.
  • You can prepurchase as many books as you like for $35 each when you purchase spot in the book.


  • Our first photo shoot is May 13 & 14!
  • ·  Our second photo shoot will be mid June. 
  • ·  The launch party is tentatively set for early to mid November 2016.
  • ·  The launch party will be the first chance for everyone to see the book.

·  If you have any questions please email [email protected]

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