Monroe goes home!

Adorable MONROE Is Just Like Every Other Cat...

He loves cat perches, and bird-watching. He loves snuggles on the sofa, and a good TV show. Now Monroe has been adopted! Monroe went home with his new Forever Mama, to his own cat tree, in front of a window; and his own sofa and TV.

Oh, and like many other cats, Monroe is FIV+.

You couldn't tell? Nobody can! FIV+ cats are just like other cats. Their status isn't "contagious", and they can live happily-ever-after with their non-positive brethren. With regular medical care, they can - and DO! - live long, healthy lives.

Don't let a cat's FIV test deter you from adopting your best friend. At Furkids, we often home FIV+ cats with cats who have not been exposed to the virus; in fact some of our free-roaming Ambassador Cats are FIV+. And to encourage more people to adopt these wonderful companions, we offer our FIV+ cats with no adoption fees and one year free vetting at our shelter! Learn more about FIV+ cats here.

The next time you adopt, meet the FIV+ cats in addition to the ones who test negative. You might find yourself POSITIVELY in love with a positive cat! It's all good!

Written by: Nancy Pihera

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