January is National Walk Your Dog Month!

If your New Years’ Resolution is to exercise (or even if it’s not), don’t forget to include your dog. Pet obesity is a huge problem in the U.S., and walking your dog is a great way to bond with your dog, socialize him to other pets and for both of you to get some exercise. 

Walking is natural for dogs – they are pack animals, and like to have things to do and see!  Taking a walk gives dogs stimulation – mental, physical and visual (and don’t forget the wonderful smells)!  And, under the proper guidance, they can learn what is good (trees, grass) and bad (chasing cars, excessive barking).

The Furkids Dog Shelter, Sadie’s Place, LOVES to have volunteers help with dog walking.  The dogs enjoy the variety, and it is a great help to the staff as well.  To become a dog walker/volunteer, click here: https://furkids.org/volunteer/volunteer-application, and we will schedule a brief training session for you.  After that, you are welcome to visit any day of the week, from 7 am to 8 pm and get some doggie love. 

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