Last week, we sent an email addressing the urgent need to raise money for our Emergency Rescue Fund. We want to say a BIG THANK YOU to everyone who has donated so far! With your incredible contributions, we have raised $10,000!

What's even more amazing is that a generous donor saw the $8,000 match being offered and is giving $7,000 to make it a $15,000 total match!

We're only $5,000 away from the match goal! If you have not already, please consider making a donation to the Furkids Emergency Rescue Fund. Furkids will make your donated dollars go farther!

Already in 2016, we have saved the lives of 1213 cats and 401 dogs! In June alone, we have saved over 200 animals from death. Furkids is committed to saving lives, including the difficult cases that other rescues just can't take on. We believe that the heartworm-positive, extremely sick, abused, surgical case animals deserve a second chance, too.

Check out some of Furkids' most profound medical recoveries in 2016: 
Karl's Journey from Mange to Adoption 
Lemond's Second Chance


The bad news is that summer is the hardest season for shelters and rescue organizations everywhere. Contributions and adoption rates decrease during the "Summer Slowdown", and animal intakes increase due to new litters being born, and vacationers abandoning their pets because they don't want to provide the care needed. We continue to help these animals and the ones suffering from an illness or an injury and need urgent medical treatment. In fact, we have on average two dogs and four cats per day hospitalized. These medical cases are costly, and we need your help.           

It takes thousands of dollars per week to keep Furkids operating, and as a 501(c)(3) Non-profit Organization, we need sustaining gifts to be able to keep saving lives.

You can help Furkids three ways:

1. Make an immediate donation toward the Furkids Emergency Rescue Fund. These contributions will be used ONLY to pay emergency and veterinary bills totaling $75,000. Thanks to a generous donor, your gifts will be matched up to $8,000! DONATE NOW! 

2. Give a monthly gift. We need small, recurring gifts that we can count on every month, and it has never been easier to help! Decide the amount you'd like to donate, whether it is $10, $15, $25, $50, or any amount. SET UP YOUR MONTHLY GIFT!  

3. Adopt a Furkid, and urge your friends to adopt! Our shelters are FULL! Open your home and heart to a Furkid and you'll open your family to an animal's lifetime of love. Find the perfect furry friend to add to your family here

We want to continue to save as many lives as we can, but we can't do it without your help. Please support the work we do by contributing to the Furkids Emergency Rescue Fund, making a small monthly donation, giving a Furkid a home, and spreading the word to your animal-loving friends (or anyone who can help us). This is an important time for Furkids!

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