Help Save Nostradamus

nostUpdate 4/30: Nostradamous is doing much better these days. He was transferred to our cat shelter last week for continued care. He now is able to eat, drink and urinate on his own! A huge accomplishment. The vets say it could be months before his brain heals and he is back to a normal kitty, but for now he is on the road to a full recovery.


Nostradamus was brought to our front door earlier this week, wrapped in a bath mat and in deep shock, after a woman found him by the side of the road. He'd clearly been hit by a car - the whole right side of his face was a mess! We rushed him to our emergency vet, who examined him and found he had: a torn lip/jaw, brain swelling, short-term/long-term nerve damage, and broken teeth. He is also blind in one eye, unneutered, and has a heart enlargement with possible heartworm.

The vet worked her magic, and he's all stitched up and doing well now. He's on pain medicine and fluids, and may or may not need follow-up surgery.

We need to raise $1,000 to cover his emergency surgery and follow up care with our emergency vets. YOU CAN HELP! PLEASE give what you can now! These situations arise EVERY day at Furkids and we need your help to continue to be able to rescue these animals. Mention 'Nostradamus' in the notes at check out. PLEASE share this on Facebook for us and for him...

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