FeLV Cats Now Living a Dog's Life

 photo 2As a no-kill shelter we are committed to every animal that enters our program, no matter what disease, illness or injury they might have. While we don't actively seek intakes of cats with FeLV, we do have a few in our program.

FeLV (feline leukemia) and FIV (feline aids) are often confused in the public. FeLV is highly contagious to other cats and often deadly. About 17% of cats that test positive are carriers and can live longphoto 5 healthy happy lives without illness. We currently have six FeLV positive cats we believe to be carriers. We have been searching for a place for these cats to live. Since they are consider contagious to other cats, they cannot live at our cat shelter.
photo 1We decided to make a special room at our dog shelter for these cats to get love, attention, sunlight and exposure to potential homes. They look pretty happy to us! The dog shelter is open Wednesdays and Saturdays 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Thursdays 12-7 p.m. You are welcome to come visit! (1520 Union Hill Rd. Alpharetta, GA 30005)

If you are interested in adopting or fostering and FeLV cat please e-mail [email protected]
felv1To learn more about FeLV in cats click here: http://www.marleyfund.com/felvfacts.aspx


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