Hammer, the 11 Year Resident

After 11 years in the Furkids Cat Shelter, Hammer was adopted on Monday, August 22. He is a loving kitty who wants attention from everyone in the room. You could say he’s a bit of a Ham…mer.  Furkids founder and CEO, Samantha Shelton, said that she can remember the day Hammer was rescued from a hoarding situation. She also said Hammer was the last one out of the house, and now, the last one out of the shelter.

“I never imagined it would take him 11 years to be adopted. We are so thrilled to see him go home with his people,” said Shelton. “It’s Hammer’s time.”

While Furkids boasts two shelters, one for dogs and one for cats, there is something unique that sets those shelters apart from other rescue organizations and shelters in the Southeast. Furkids believes that all lives matter, even the not-so-adoptable lives. Our shelters are a sanctuary for many long-term residents like Hammer… a place where they can live life with lots of food and socialization. Most of the time they get adopted, but sometimes they don’t. We’re committed to giving animals a chance to live out their lives comfortably, even when the shelter is the place they call “home”.

This is where donations from incredible people come in handy. On average, it costs an animal $50 per month to stay in our program. Please consider sponsoring an animal who may be having a hard time getting adopted by visiting furkids.org/donation. Furkids isn’t going to give up on the broken and unwanted. Will you help us help them?

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