Furkids #petpARTners

At Furkids, we love it when our community gets involved, be it local businesses, organizations, service groups or schools. Hope Knight, an art teacher at Dolvin Elementary School, found a great way to get her students interested in helping Furkids animals through art!

It is a community service project called “PetpARTners”, and the goal, according to Knight, “is to raise awareness of the homeless pet population in our community and bring in more adopting families and donations.”

Knight’s students look at the adoptable pets on furkids.org and create beautiful portraits based on the profile photos of each pet. “We are sharing them in our school social media sites and also plan on displaying then in local businesses,” said Knight. She says she got the idea upon visiting the dog shelter for the first time over Summer Break.

Knight posts all of the kids’ art on the Instagram account @SmartestArtists, and on Twitter by using the hashtag #petpARTners. She tells everyone, “Share any you wish” to help find these animals homes!

Check out more of Mrs. Knight's students' artwork on the Dolvin Elementary Art Blog!

The drawing looks JUST LIKE OREO!  

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