Furkids Gears up for Georgia Gives Day 11-13-13

Furkids was pleased to welcome some very special guests this week to our cat shelter in preparation of GA Gives Day - the statewide initiative to raise money for GA non-profits. Myrna Brown, producer for WSB-TV's People 2 People, and her awesome cameraman, came to see what all the fuss is about. After all, Furkids successfully raised over $11,000 on GA Gives Day last year, making us a top fundraiser, and they wanted to see those donations in action.

Their in depth tour of our shelter and interview with Furkids executive director and founder, Samantha Shelton, will air this Sunday, October 20 at 6:30 a.m., during the People 2 People segment on WSB-TV/Channel 2. Not an early bird? Make sure to record it or visit our Facebook page Monday to view the video. 

Furkids is gearing up for this year's GA Gives Day, taking place on Wednesday, November 13, 2013. Georgia Gives Day is about people coming together, on one day, to support local non-profits right here in Georgia. Furkids hopes to have your support on 11-13-13, and we have set a goal to raise $15,000!

Whether you give $5 or $500, your gifts empower us to fulfill our important mission in the community. We can only accomplish our goal with your help! Get ready with us by becoming a personal fundraiser today! See how easy it is to get started! Please join our team for this amazing opportunity to raise the funds that allow Furkids to save 1,500 animals this year and provide the medical care and loving homes needed! Step up for Furkids and lets show Georgia how we can get it done!

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