94 Animals Adopted in November!

In November 2013 Furkids and Small Dog Rescue adopted 94 animals to their forever homes!!! Congratulations to these animals and their new forever families!

ADOPTED CATS (66): 5042 Thumper, 5043 Tucker, 19253 Pepper, 10555 Stella, 11543 Butch, 11544 Sundance, 12559 Estella, 12795 Kiki,  113001 Bobby, 313188 Mallory, 13293 Sabrina, 13300 Quinn, 13302 Ewan, 13325 Shorty, 13326 Gizmo, 13456 Obie, 13457 Leo, 13477 Jinx, 13539 Pixel, 13553 London, 13555 Milan, 13622 Sarge, 13684 Primrose, 13707 Stevie, 13711 Milo/Tips, 13725 Becker, 13738 Kellen, 13739 Patches, 13754 Hilda, 13755 Arthur, 13782 Honeybun, 13787 Katie Belle, 13789 Anna Belle, 13793 Minnow, 13794 Mary Ann, 13799 Patches Simmons, 13809 Seattle, 13828 Thatcher, 13829 Thurston, 13830 Thad, 13831 Thadria, 13848 Buzz, 13849 Ramblin' Wreck, 13855 Tobi, 13863 Isis, 13865 Bali,  213868 Caroline, 13869 Solomon, 13877 Hans Solo, 13878 Yoda, 13896 Jameela, 13903 Panda, 13904 Amelia, 13905 Magic, 13906 Oreo, 13907 Moon, 13908 Bear, 13926 Shirley, 13927 Wendy, 13934 Griffin, 13938 Sabrina, 13950 Kirk, 13952 Sulu, 13959 Stanley, 13991 Linus, 131002 Destiny

ADOPTED DOGS (28): Shamus, Fillmore, Eclipse, Love, Penny Porpoise, Abalone, Blossom, Aurora, Omni (pictured left), Mary Marriott, Hampton, Buzz, Big Al, Mike the Tiger, Sooner, Emmee, Reveille, Candy Corn, Baby Ruth, Mars, Jelly Belly, Kit Kat, Millard, Kyle 13, Joe, Howard, Emily, Sophie Rose

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