Fifi's most recent foster family would like to let everyone know how wonderful she is so we have chosen to spotlight her this week. [Full disclosure: I, Ida, and my husband, Thad, are Fifi's most recent foster family :-D ] We are hoping that she can soon be adopted into a loving home. There are several things you need to know right off the top about Fifi.
One, she's got spunk! This girl has a huge personality and lots of fun energy. She clearly likes to be in charge of both herself and others. I really enjoyed her self-assured attitude and the sometimes disdainful looks she'd give me. I would just laugh and go over and pet her anyway. She always gave in. She often gets "the crazies" and dashes madly from room to room. She loves to play with cat toys and will keep you and herself entertained for hours. One of her favorite activities is sitting near a window looking outside. She does not mind dogs. She got along great with our dog; but clearly did not want to assimilate with our other cats. It might be best if she were the only cat in the household. Or, she can be adopted with her sister (more on that later).
Two, she's a riddle of of opposites. She doesn't like to be picked up, but she loves for you to pet her and give her lots of attention. She also likes to sleep or relax NEAR you (but doesn't cuddle on top of you). All you need to do is sit down to read or watch tv or just lounge, and Fifi will come to you and find a nice spot near you -- close enough to where you can pet her. She will also often charge your hand for some extreme petting. She likes that. Also, she gets along great with her sister, Super Kitty, but she does not seem to like any other cats.
Three, she's absolutely gorgeous. I would call her my Hollywood glamor kitty. She's almost all white except for a splash of calico above her brow and throughout her tail. Her coat is medium (not short, not long) and super soft. I sometimes call her Fluffy instead of Fifi.
Finally, although we are highlighting Miss Fifi this week, we still want to let you know that she is bonded with her sister, Super Kitty, who is an absolute DOLL in her own right. Super Kitty is much more calm, relaxed, and does not mind being beta to Fifi's alpha. We would love to see them adopted together -- they've been together their entire lives.
Fifi is cat number 7532. Please feel free to
make an appointment to come meet her in Room 1 at the main shelter. Or you can
apply to adopt her now.