What do the following numbers have in common?  3, 42, 30, 80%, 70%, and $37,000? 

Can you guess the age a cat or a dog is most likely to first develop dental issues?  Are you thinking 9, 10 years old? Try THREE years old. Dogs have 42 teeth and cats have 30 - that’s a lot of ‘pearly whites’ to take care of! Plus, dogs and cats use their teeth and mouths for a lot more than humans do – eating, grooming, playing.   

By the age of three, 80% of dogs and 70% of cats have some type of dental disease. What’s the best thing to do?  Provide regular checkups and cleaning each February, which is National Pet Dental Month. Many veterinarians provide discounts in February to encourage pet dental health.

Furkids is planning another expansion to our new surgery suite (opening in March), to include dental care. This will reduce costs dramatically and provide more immediate care for our residents. Join with your family, co-workers, shelter or store teams and help sponsor these important dental tools. Our goal is $37,000.  Your donation makes a difference in the life and the smile of a Furkid!  https://furkids.org/donation/personal-donation

Here are the common dental diseases in pets we want to combat, and ultimately prevent, with your help: 

Tartar and/or plaque, which can cause inflamed gums and bleeding.
Tooth root abscess.
Gingivitis – inflammation of the gums surrounding the tooth.
Periodontitis – inflammation and receding of the gums
Stomatitis – inflammation of the oral cavity
Resorptive lesions, or holes in teeth.

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