Fabulous FeLV+ Furkids

It’s no secret that Furkids is committed to saving as many animals as possible. We are a rescue that isn’t afraid to take on the hard cases… even the FeLV+ ones. Furkids has two FeLV+ suites, one at the cat shelter and one at the dog shelter, which house 17 cats total. FeLV+ cats can live long, happy lives, and Furkids provides them a warm, loving, safe environment to live out the rest of their lives, unless they happen to get adopted (which, unfortunately, doesn’t happen very often). 

When a cat is FeLV+, it means that the cat has a disease called feline leukemia. It is a virus that weakens cats’ immune systems and can cause some types of cancer. Feline leukemia is transmitted from cat to cat through biting, grooming, close contact and sharing food dishes, water bowls and litter boxes. It can also be transferred from mother to kitten via nursing. Because FeLV+ cats need to be separated from FeLV- cats, it makes it difficult to find homes that can commit to only living with FeLV+ cats.

The bottom line is this: a cat being diagnosed with feline leukemia is not a death sentence at Furkids. We work hard to give every one of our cats, FeLV+ or not, a happy, healthy life. If you are considering adopting an FeLV+ cat, please take a peek at the fabulous FeLV+ kitties that are up for adoption at Furkids. Also, please consider making a contribution toward our FeLV+ cats’ on-going care.


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