Doodle | Featured Furkid

This beautiful little domestic short hair tortie named Doodle is 10 months old.  She was found in a dumpster with her right front leg badly injured.  In the best interest of her health and well-being, the wounded leg was amputated.  Nonetheless, it did not slowed Doodle down in the least.  She has shown remarkable resilience and loves to run, leap, play and do everything else a healthy happy kitten enjoys.  Her personality shows regular signs of her being bossy, bold, and sweet.  She's very cute, loves to talk to you, and will allow you to pet and hold her in small doses.  Then, she's off again!

And, hey!  How about this: She's a champion show cat!  Indeed, she was entered recently in the Sophisticats TICA-sanctioned cat show that was held in Forest Park in mid-April.  She won not one, but two, 1st-place prizes!  She also won one fifth place prize.  This means that Doodle now has TICA points.  She would make a beautiful show cat in the future. 

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Doodle would do well with a quiet laid-back cat companion or as an only cat.  She is cat #12080. If you would like to meet her, contact us to set up an appointment.  Or, you can apply to adopt Doodle now.

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