Clady is a very sick little lady trying to stay strong

*********SWEET CLADY – SHE’S A VERY SICK LADY*********
We’re Trying HARD to Save Her, But She Needs YOUR Help, Too!

CLADY, a SWEET, little SHIH TZU, was DUMPED by her “owners” at a HIGH-KILL rural shelter, because she was “unable to train”.

We thought she had suffered horrific BURNS, and no telling what else, because her SKIN was so INFLAMED. It was actually too HOT to barely touch. Initial exams identified skin infections, a total of FIVE DIFFERENT ORGANISMS, doing battle on the surface of her poor little body. Pictured left is the day we took her into the program (6 weeks ago). We honestly have no idea how this little girl survived her ordeal.

We sent her to a wonderful foster home, where she has received round the clock care including medicated baths, steroids, topical and oral medications; despite all the hard work and non-stop attention, she did not get better. In fact, she was getting worse. Her skin became so fragile that it “broke”, and she developed even more painful, open sores. She could not sleep through the night, and she cried in pain. It has broken all of our hearts.

She ended up in EMERGENCY CARE at a veterinary practice, where her regimen was stepped up even more if that was even possible. The consensus points to a long-term, untreated skin infection as the catalyst; and now she is dealing with systemic infection. Even with a week at a premiere vet clinic and changes in her medications her condition did not improve as we had hoped.


Clady is miserable, and we are desperate to get her well. We MUST find her relief, and that will require further testing, more hospitalizations, stronger medications, and possible surgical repair of her lesions. She had appointment with a specialist TODAY and they want to do a $1,000 procedure and biopsy ASAP. They are concerned she has an auto-immune disease that is making her body attack itself!!!

We will go to the ends of the earth to heal this sweet girl. She deserves our very best and we are doing all we can.

Will you help Clady by making a donation here, please mention “SAVE CLADY”. Please help us towards our goal of raising $2,000 to cover her procedure, special foods, medications and additional appointments.

We can’t wait for the opportunity to show you a NEW and HEALTHY CLADY; and give HER the opportunity to find a FANTASTIC FOREVER HOME…thank you for your support of this little sweetie. We LOVE our RESCUE

Nancy Pihera

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