A Record Year for Furkids, and Where are They Now?

A Record Year for Adoptions and Intakes!
We can sum up 2015 in one word: HUGE. Then we can embellish with some more words: amazing, record-breaking, exhilarating, breath-taking, gut-wrenching, exhausting; and at times, downright terrifying. Read more to see how many were saved, how many were adopted, and get updates on four of our cats and dogs!
In just one year, we saved 2052 cats, and realized 1900 adoptions. We took in 804 dogs, and found Forever Homes for 782. Our staff and volunteers worked tirelessly to post these mind-boggling numbers!
It wasn't easy, and sometimes it wasn't pretty. As you know, Furkids often rescues animals with serious medical needs; and there were lots of those in 2015.
But, as we say "Yes!" in a leap of faith, we know that our friends will be there to catch us. When we post an emergency case to our Facebook page or newsletter, you open your hearts and your wallets; and literally become the difference between life and death for one small soul. Your donations are the reason new Furkids heal and thrive, and your support makes it possible for us to save more homeless pets year after year.
These happy statistics are ours, but they're yours, too. We never forget that - and we are so grateful.
Here’s to a great 2016!
Where Are They Now?

Norton, Tyson and Tangi
Now known as Col. Mustard, Sargent Pepper and Lady Cinnamon
Once, there were three little kittens. Each had a different story, and one by one, they came to Furkids.
Tangi first, then Norton and Tyson, shy brothers afraid of their own shadows. When they met Tangi, they found a soulmate, and she blossomed. The orange trio were inseparable, playing and eating, watching and waiting. They waited patiently for that special someone who would be as.devoted to them as they were to each other.
That wait lasted for years, but they were able to stay alive because of Furkids, where no animal lives in fear of their ‘time being up.”
Then, one day came a family who wanted not one, not two, but all three of them! They are living the life with lots of windows, sunlight and people to love them.
Captain Furkid
Cinderella has nothing on Captain. Born with severely deformed back legs, no one felt he was worth having around – except for Furkids. Their team of experts would change his life.
If surgery failed, Captain would be a double amputee. Prosthetics were tried instead. The custom braces supported his malformed limbs, and they worked – sort of. But, the pressure sores and wetness from the litter box made Captain miserable.
Surgery became the only option. Heroic vets managed to straighten his leg! The operation was a success, but the bandaging and therapy didn’t feel like progress to Captain. Then, out of the pain, rose a brave, new cat! Captain recovered and now walks on his ‘new’ leg, with plans in place to fix his other leg.
From the comfort of his home, safe with his FOSTER FAMILY, Captain saw that he was valuable after all, because Furkids had looked beyond the physical problems and saw the regal creature within.
The Story of Arial
There once was a little puppy who had a hard time finding her way through life. Blind from birth – possibly due to bad genetics from backyard breeding – Arial wandered as a stray in a Hall County neighborhood.
One day she was picked up by workers at Animal Control, but spared a terrible fate when she was brought to Furkids. Volunteers assessing the little pup at first thought she was unable to see, but they quickly discovered that she was deaf as well – a canine Helen Keller!
Finding her the right home would be a challenge, but not impossible. Not only does Furkids spare many animals an untimely end at public pounds, they rescue animals that aren’t considered “easy adoptions.”
After carefully choosing just the right person, she was adopted into a home with three dogs to teach her the ropes. Arial beat the odds and found her pack – her very own happy ending!
Rockwell Took a Wrong Turn
One day, Rockwell was walking down a busy road in Atlanta, and decided to change course – right into harm’s way. You can imagine what happened next, but there’s more.
Fortunately, the driver stopped to see if the poor dog survived. When he checked under his car, he found Rockwell alive and well inside the grill of the car! In fact, the grill had more damage than little Rockwell.
Taken to animal control, his time was short. But, Rockwell had not survived his journey and accident just to die in Animal Control. Furkids was there to make sure his good fortune continued.
Safe with Furkids, Rockwell awaits his new home and family.