2015 Starts off with a BIG BANG! 238 cats and dogs *ADOPTED* in January 2015

Furkids' AMAZING adoption teams placed 238 cats and dogs in loving homes during January 2015. Below is a list of everyone that was adopted. Congratulations to the new families! While we celebrate these adoptions, remember we still have hundreds waiting in the wings to be adopted. Please remember that both our Doraville Cat Shelter and Alpharetta Dog Shelter are open three days a week for visitors. BOTH ARE OPEN WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS! Check out our hours and locations.

See more January adoption pictures in this album.

Cats and Kittens (179): 602042 Tommy, 141362 Alexis, 141238 Alisa, 141700 Angel, 14002 Angel , 11676 Anna, 141430 Annie Pencil Legs, 141670 Antonio, 141429 Apple, 141415 Ariana, 141365 Armin, 141180 Asics, 141280 Aspen, 141416 Aubrey, 14742 Aubrey, 141440 Barsad, 14938 Basil, 141600 BB, 141135 Betel, 14075 Bincy, 14378 Birdie, 14066 Bishop, 141480 BJ, 141409 Boston, 141281 Bradford, 14824 Brigid, 141264 Bubbles, 141633 Buffy, 141637 Butterscotch, 14831 Caraway, 141491 Carmen, 141575 Carys, 141493 Cassidy, 141527 Castle White, 14533 Catnip, 141042 Celine, 141645 Chai (was Monica), 141369 Chevis, 14970 Collins, 141298 Conan, 150027 Cullen, 141496 Cuvee, 141313 Dave, 141312 Davina, 141638 Dax, 141705 Deacon, 13650 Declan, 14525 Dot, 141593 Dougal McPurr, 141361 Drew, 14914 Elena, 141339 Elmo, 141690 Emanuelle, 11541 Emily, 141662 Enzo, 14744 Ethan, 14199 Eureka, 141547 Evangeline - Harper, 141434 Fanta, 14869 Fargo, 141149 Fergus, 141160 Frasier, 141701 Frizzle, 141515 Gabby, 13035 Garnet, 141669 Geneva, 141632 Grayson, 141608 Harvest, 141631 Harvey, 141582 Hemingway, 150037 Henrietta, 141136 Hickory, 141624 Illya, 141244 Indy #2, 11675 Irina, 14724 J. D. Salinger, 150062 Jack, 141505 Jacob, 141349 James, 11368 Jeanine, 14228 Jess, 141508 Jesse, 141504 John, 141699 John Luke Picard, 14707 Jon, 141202 Jordan, 141692 Josh, 14621 Josie, 141399 Joye, 141433 Julius, 141695 Kai, 14788 Kanga, 14967 Kendall, 14992 Kenya, 141613 Kingston, 141372 Kinsley, 141661 Kitty Carlisle, 141134 Kola, 141277 Koosh, 141549 Laila - F. Scott, 141644 Latte (was Chandler), 141386 Leela, 141595 Leona, 141355 Leslie, 141581 Lettie, 141366 Levi, 14730 Limerick, 14076 Link, 141125 Linus, 141183 Lucas, 141133 Macadamia, 141660 Major Buffington, 141267 Marcie (pictured left), 141517 Marilyn, 141172 Mariya, 14986 Marmie, 141173 Mary, 141702 Matilda, 14723 Maya Angelou, 141558 Midori, 141364 Mikasa, 141018 Milan, 141594 Moira McPurr, 141387 Monet, 14823 Mulcahy, 141691 Murphy, 141350 Murphy, 141445 Musta (was Marsha), 14498 Nightingale, 141169 Olivia, 141301 Opie, 141170 Otis, 141668 Palau, 141698 Patrick Stewart, 141151 Patsy, 14973 Paulette, 141152 Percy, 141612 Poppy, 141560 Pumpkin Pie, 141178 Reebok, 14767 Reemis, 141410 Reno, 141314 Rhubarb, 141218 Rudy, 150012 Ryan, 141059 Saber, 141629 Sabrina, 14541 Saint Helena, 141407 Salem, 141124 Sally (pictured left), 141408 Santa Fe, 141727 Sasha, 141516 Scarlett, 14499 Semmelweiss, 141716 Shadow Song, 14873 Skyburst, 141615 Solange, 141561 Spice Cake, 14919 Starsky, 131157 Sugarplum. 12819 Tasha, 141368 Teddy, 141597 Thadria, 141665 Tibet, 14787 Tigger, 14952 Tink. 141201 Tippy, 150041 Tolstoy, 14657 Toots, 141666 Tuvalu, 602041 Tyler, 141628 Vann, 141655 Victoria, 141373 Vivian, 12803 Vixen, 141276 Wiffle, 141540 Xena, 14509 Xena, 141667 Zambia

Dogs and Puppies (59): Leia, Allman Brothers, Blue Oyster Cult, Denny Does Equis, Nick Amaro (pictured left), Abbie, Victoria Pope, Elantra, DeLorean, Hudson, Houdini, Thomas Barrow, Annie, Lapis, Garnet, Pyrite, Amethyst, Bean, Pee Wee, Froot Loops, Honeycombs, Roo Roo, Rocky Road, Boo Berry, Cheerios, Corn Pops, Crispix, Life, Mini Wheats, Cocoa Krispies, Cocoa Puffs, Kerry Washington, Frosted Flakes, Kix, Krave, Total, Wheaties, Mello Yello, Teddy Tabasco, Aunt Fannie, Boudin, Charlie Cornbread, Maggie Moonshine, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Jambalaya, Praline, Alpha Bits, Pugsley, Casey Novak, Happie Honda, Bj, Mustang, Okra, Scrappy Sweet Potato; Sweet Tea, Dr. Pepper, Joey Jets, Sapphire, Danburite

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