Urgent Rescue Reunited with Owners


One Saturday afternoon, just before we were to close our dog shelter after a great day of adoptions, a woman showed up.  She was visibly concerned and advised there was a dog in her back seat that desperately needed help.  She had found him wandering around on Friday night, but her roommates refused to let her bring him inside.  When Saturday came, she found him again.  The woman explained that he hadn't eaten a thing since she had seen him & would barely drink any water.   

Our volunteers came out to her car and saw a pitiful black miniature schnauzer laying in a bed in her backseat.   He was clearly an older guy and definitely wasn’t feeling well.   The volunteers scanned him for a microchip in hopes they could find his parents but unfortunately were unable to find one.

How could Furkids possibly leave this guy behind?  It was clear he desperately needed HELP!  The volunteers took him in and named him Pink Floyd.  They set him up in a cage and tried to make him as comfortable as possible.  They gave him a smorgasbord of food to see if he would eat anything at all.  None of the dog food interested him, but he did nibble on some cheddar cheese! 

The next day, Pink Floyd was very lethargic and found himself at the emergency vet.   The vets guessed that Pink Floyd was about 14 years old, and several very expensive tests later told us that this senior, blind guy was anemic and had heart disease.   He was set to spend his Sunday night at the emergency vet until something amazing happened!

A volunteer was doing some late-night Facebooking and came across a post about a lost 15 year old Miniature Schnauzer named Jack.  He had last been seen on Friday night in the area where Pink Floyd was found.  With this information and the picture on the Facebook post, she knew Pink Floyd had to be Jack!!

The volunteer called the phone number on post and confirmed it was the exact same dog!!  His parents were worried sick & immediately drove to the emergency vet to pick up their baby!  They were also kind enough to pick up the bill for him, so that the money we were going to spend on him could go towards another needy dog or cat. 

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Jack’s parents told us that he was back to his normal self as soon as he got home!  He drank plenty of water and ate all of his food right away. Jack will go for a follow up this week for his heart condition. Jack was also microchipped, unfortunately the scanner did not pick up the chip at our shelter.  

We LOVE a happy ending and are SO thrilled that Jack is back where he belongs!! Furkids is proud to have such amazing volunteers that TRULY go above and beyond to help animals in need.  

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