Sick kittens need serious help

beforeandaftercatbeforeandaftercatFurkids got the call late in the afternoon - three desperately ill kittens were in a high-kill, rural shelter, and they needed medical intervention immediately. The photos we received were heart-wrenching.

Volunteers and staff sprang into action. The story splashed across the Furkids Facebook page, and within an hour, Furkids was able to have these tiny, sick babies transferred into emergency care. It was a long night, and we held our collective breath...

Happily, the next morning, the kittens began to rally. They were far from out-of-the-woods, but they were stabilizing. A couple of days later, they were ready for their transport to a Furkids partner vet in the metro area. But, they came with a SURPRISE - two additional siblings, and a MOM!sick2

Furkids made room for the extended family, how could we not? And the three who were oh-so-sick, are now looking great. They will all soon be ready for foster homes!

Many rescues refuse to take in even mildly ill animals, and would not ever consider caring for seriously ill kittens like these. That is what sets Furkids apart, and why our organization has such dedicated staff and volunteers. Every life is important, and every creature deserves a chance.

We can continue our lifesaving work because you, our FANTASTIC Furkids supporters, are so generous with your gifts of time, and money. You know that we will do our very best for homeless pets in dire situations. And we will update you on stories like these, so you can see your generosity at work. If you would like to further the Furkids cause, and save more animals in need, please donate now. 

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Written By: Nancy Pihera 

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