Read Black Beauty’s Plea for Help

Hi, my name is Black Beauty. I am a black lab mix that gave birth four months ago to five beautiful black lab mix puppies. That was the high point of my life. Ever since then it has been going downhill. My children haven’t been taken care of the way a mother hopes to care for her babies. My family, who I thought loved me, moved and took two other adult dogs with them leaving me and my children alone to fend for ourselves. One of our human neighbors called Furkids and asked for help. Once Furkids saw the pictures of our condition two sweet ladies from Furkids, Julia and Sharon, rushed over to visit the house that my owners abandoned us in. It was obvious from the condition of the home and trash surrounding it that no one was there to take care of us.

The Furkids team spent time with us and gave us much needed affection. Julia and Sharon convinced us to go with them where we would have a better life. Sadly I was only able to find three of my puppies. Two of them are still out there and I can’t wait to be reunited once they find them. I was promised by the Furkids team they would continue searching for my babies.

After leaving what we called home and taking a leap of faith we were taken to a vet clinic for much needed baths and medical treatment. We also dined on one of the best meals of our lives! One of my babies is so infested with worms that she is high-risk for complications. I just hope she can pull through all of this!

The people at Furkids were SO nice to help my family out, but now they need your help. Furkids needs the money for the cost of the medical treatment for me and my babies so they can continue helping other cats and dogs in need. These funds will also be used to lead the effort to find my other two babies and bring them to safety. Please donate whatever you can spare. $5.00, $10.00, $20.00 or more. Thank you so much!

With love,

Black Beauty     

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