Popeye is 2,000 miles away, and he wants to come home!

popeyeWalt Disney couldn't have penned a more compelling story - and this one is TRUE! Prepare to be AMAZED!

Handsome, one-eyed, five-year-old POPEYE came to Furkids in 2007, as the first Hall Ambassador for FIV+ cats. (Furkids championed adoptions of non-aggressive FIV+ cats into homes with FIV- cats, long before it was common practice.) He was an instant celebrity!

Eventually, he was adopted. When his adopter took a job in San Francisco, Popeye moved across the country. Later, the adopter took another job, in Ohio. This time, for reasons yet unknown, she did not take Popeye. She left him in the care of a cousin, and did not alert Furkids to the change in guardianship.

We don't know if Popeye escaped from his new home, or was turned out. We don't know how long he was on his own. But luckily, he ended up in the custody of a pet store employee, who took him to a vet, and discovered that...

POPEYE WAS MICROCHIPPED!!!!!!! This is the point in the story where the angels sing...Popeye's luck changed in a heartbeat. The microchip directed Popeye's rescuer to Furkids! Last Thursday, our office got the call - a Furkid was in trouble.

Our now-thirteen-year-old hero was in bad shape. His teeth were rotting, he had abscesses in his mouth. He was very thin, and he was losing his fur. His one eye was infected. He needed help, fast.

Working with a San Francisco rescue volunteer, we arranged for his emergency vetting through a local clinic. In addition to his obvious issues, Popeye also appears to have a thyroid condition. He is going to need long-term treatment, and we need to get him HOME to be sure he gets it!

Thanks to an employee with connections to Delta Airlines, arrangements were made for a rescuer to fly to the west coast, and BRING POPEYE HOME! 

Once his PHYSICAL JOURNEY is complete, POPEYE will begin the long JOURNEY BACK TO HEALTH. He needs a GREAT DEAL of HELP with BOTH JOURNEYS...the costs of medical treatment in San Francisco, airfare, and his extensive treatments here at home, are staggering. But that is the commitment that Furkids makes to our rescues...WHATEVER IT TAKES!

1) Furkids NEVER lets a Furkid down!
2) MICROCHIPS save lives! 

Celebrate NATIONAL MICROCHIP MONTH and help us to WRITE A HAPPY ENDING for POPEYE'S INCREDIBLE JOURNEY! Donate here, and mention "Bring Popeye Home!" 

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PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD, so more lives can be saved! SHARE!SHARE!SHARE! Thank You!

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