Pebbles and Bitsy Save Each Other

This is Pebbles (gray tabby) and Bitsy (black and white). 

Bitsy was caught in a trap. She was too tiny to eat on her own and by the time she arrived at Animal Control, she was lethargic and cold. Though no one thought she would survive, she was brought home by a animal control volunteer. She was bottle fed, warmed up and slowly she began to come around. 

Pebbles was abandoned at Animal Control when her girl left for college. The mom of the house didn't have time to take care of her. She came in already spayed and was declawed. The volunteer brought her home too. 

Night 1 of their new lives: The volunteer put her in a bathroom with Bitsy. Pebbles was shy and frightened. So, on one side of the bathroom was Bitsy in a big comfortable cage and on the other side of the room, was Pebbles, a pretty big girl in a small cat carrier that came with her when she was dumped.

Night 2: The doors to both of their carriers were left open. At the 3 a.m. feeding of Bitsy, Pebbles had moved Bitsy into her smaller cat carrier. She had adopted Bitsy.

Night 3 and beyond: Pebbles has taken care of Bitsy since that night. Still having to feed the little baby, but Pebbles keeps Bitsy clean and curls up around her when they sleep. To Pebbles, she is Bitsy's mama.

After hearing their story, they were brought into the Furkids program. They went to be vetted. The vet tech pulled Bitsy from the carrier and Pebbles let out the most awful moan and wrapped her clawless paws around Bitsy to try and hold her. She thought her baby was being taken away.

Jeani, the vet tech immediately called in the adoption coordinator and explained that these two have to stay together. They are bonded. It's more than a bond, it's the love for that little kitten that has kept Pebbles alive after losing her whole world. If you want an example of love at it's purest, meet Pebbles and Bitsy. Both now safe and warm, together, in the same bed in a foster home waiting for the right people to come along for both of them. Apply to adopt these sweeties now!

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