Meet Bubbles

Bubbles recently arrived at Furkids/Small Dog Rescue after a good samaritan found her standing alone in the pouring rain! Due to her chronic medical conditions they were unable to keep her permanently. We are grateful to her rescuer for saving this sweet girl and reaching out to us! Bubbles has only seen neglect her entire life. We are here to help her now! 

When Bubbles was found she was barely standing, hungry, soaking wet, and limping. Bubbles has many medical issues and conditions needing care, including: 


- Chronic Arthritis

- Severely neglected teeth and gums

- Eye issues, possibly cataracts 

- Multiple lumps on her head

- An injured leg from a previous trauma 

- Severe UTI (which is clearing up with medications)

As you can see she has a long road ahead of her...

She is feeling much better and now barking for attention. We will give her a better quality of life and eventually a foster or forever home! We need your help to care for her! Please consider donating a few dollars to her care and mention "Bubbles " when donating. 

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