Help these former "Starving Puppies" find their happy endings

UPDATE: Pat Benatar has been adopted, the other 5 are still waiting. starvingpuppiesstarving puppiesA few months ago, we were contacted about a litter of eight starving and emaciated pit mix puppies living outside in filth. We knew placing them would be a challenge, but we accepted the challenge anyway! See the video of their arrival at the dog shelter below.

A few of our wonderful foster homes took care of the eight puppies during multiple mite treatments and nursed them back to health. These dogs are extremely loving and loyal. Most have learned to walk on a leash and sit and are working on other manners. You can see John Denver is a REAL lap dog! 

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Now that they are healthy and ready for adoption, we need your help finding them the homes they deserve! Six of the eight puppies are still searching for their forever families and we fear they will grow up without families to spoil and love them during their puppyhood. Apply now to adopt one. E-mail [email protected] or call 678-624-1009 with any questions.

Even if you can’t adopt, you CAN champion one of these babies and share their picture and stories with friends, family and colleagues. You never know who might be in the market for a new Furkid!

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