Happy Holidays from Furkids!


Dear Friends of Furkids,

The outdoor lights are beginning to twinkle, and I’m getting that sense of joy and anticipation that draw me into the holiday season every year.  What surprises and experiences will this holiday hold?  What blessings am I grateful for as the year draws to a close?  For me and for Furkids, the answer to both questions is you.

In 2016, you stood with us.  When Hurricane Matthew swamped and threatened to kill homeless animals, you helped Furkids give them safety and a way home.  When imprisoned animals were found at two different hoarding cases in metro Atlanta, you helped Furkids give them safety and a way home.  When animals in kill shelters faced their last days, you turned back the clock. 

Furkids has a so much to celebrate this season, and the reasons come back to you. 

You have been the comfort and joy for nearly 5,000 animals in 2016. Put another way, each month this year, your support saved nearly 300 homeless animals and gave them a way home.  Nearly 70 animals every week escaped pain and suffering and certain death because of you.  And our animals returned this gift by building a loving bond with our volunteers and staff who care for them and the families that adopt them. In fact, some of our cats even learned to listen to storybooks because of our child volunteers who read to them. What a triumph!  What a concrete, joyful expression of our mission to serve homeless animals and the people who help them.

Thank you for making all of that happen.

If you have experienced a moment of joy and gratitude this year by helping Furkids, I ask you to remember that feeling at this time of the year.  Our animals never stop needing food, attention and lifesaving medicines and veterinary care.  Some of them want to hear more children read to them.  And, of course, they all want forever homes.  Please remember Furkids in your end-of-year donations. 

Wishing you a Merry Christmas, Happy Holiday and a healthy New Year!

With much love and appreciation from me and Furkids,

Samantha Shelton
Founder and CEO

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