Good People Doing Good Works for Furkids
As the saying goes, it takes a village to make something successful, and at Furkids it is no different. It takes many people – hundreds and thousands – to carry out our good work in and for the community.
We want to introduce you to some special friends who have helped our organization most uniquely. From a group of young boys organizing a lemonade stand, to a few good friends who threw a party with an incredible turnout, to a birthday boy who wanted to forego his birthday gifts to help our animals. These nice people are heroes in our book and we are very grateful to them for their generous spirit towards Furkids.
Meet Jack (left). Our young friend recently celebrated his birthday and asked friends to bring much needed supplies for the shelter instead of gifts for him. According to his mom, Holly, Jack “actually really enjoyed giving back to Furkids. At first he wasn't crazy about the idea of foregoing birthday gifts but he was really happy to deliver the supplies and was impressed with his friends' charity efforts as well. Everyone really thought it was a wonderful gesture and asked me all about Furkids. It made us feel proud to be able to help in that way.” It makes us very proud, too! Thank you, Jack. Happy Birthday!
We are also very proud of and impressed with three young brothers Jake, Ben, and Drew (right) who delivered to our shelter the money they raised selling 220 cups of lemonade to their neighbors and friends one hot afternoon! Their parents must be very happy to have raised three thoughtful and special boys!
And how about the recent story of our adopter and friend, Dave, who together with his friends reached out to us with their idea to host a cocktail party to benefit Furkids. As the Furkids director and founder, I was invited to attend and speak. Nothing could have prepared me for this incredible audience of 100 animal-loving friends! I was blown away by the thought and effort that went into this awesome party! I received such a warm welcome and there was a great turnout! The hosts worked hard on securing amazing silent auction items and donations of food and beverages. The evening even had its own name, Cocktails and Cat Tales – with a specially made logo printed on beverage napkins and coasters! Guests were asked to make a donation of $20 or more for Furkids. What an incredible night! These friends raised over $3,000 for Furkids! We are so grateful to Dave and his co-hosts for this amazing effort! Pictured below from left to right are the party hosts and me: Ron, Jeremy, Dave, Steve, Christian, Samantha (me), and Justin. One party host, Jack, is not pictured.
These are amazing examples of what a generous spirit and willingness to help animals can do! We appreciate these wonderful friends so much.