Freckles! Kitten on the Go!

Hi, I'm Freckles! A kitten on the move! A very kind woman named Bonnie heard my cries, and she looked until she found me under some bushes. She could not find any of my siblings or my mother, so she took me inside and put me in a box with warm blankets. She bought me a bottle, formula, a beautiful pink blanket and a teddy bear for me to snuggle with. I am a beautiful little calico girl with and adorable bobtail.

I am considered a special needs kitten. My little back legs are twisted as the result of a birth defect, and it has been very hard to walk. I desperately need your prayers and donations to get the special care I will need to help repair my legs. I have a long road ahead of me. Originally I was rescued by the team at Angels Among Us who raised funds for my care, but Furkids had a foster home with experience dealing with kittens in my situation.

My first leg braces were put on within a few days! After many difficult hours adjusting, I am finally settling into my new "legs." The vets are very hopeful that this will correct my legs and allow me to walk like all the other cats in my foster home. The plan is to replace them as needed in the coming weeks along with physical therapy.

I will grow into a beautiful and loving cat with your donations for my care. Thank you for helping me get the vet care that I need.

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