Featured Pet - Tonka 11334

Tonka is a very handsome 5 year old male orange tabby with big bright eyes and “bulls-eye” markings.  Tonka and his brother Tonto belonged to a soldier, who was deployed to Afghanistan in May, 2011.  Unfortunately, the soldier’s family was unable to take care of them, so they brought the boys to a county shelter (where their lives were in jeopardy).  The shelter called Furkids, who stepped in to give these two great cats another chance at life.

Tonka seemed to get along with the other Furkids shelter cats, however he soon stopped eating!  He probably had just gone through too many changes in a short time.  Furkids saved his life again with a feeding tube and intensive care by a foster family.  After a few weeks, he began eating on his own and is now a happy & healthy kitty (and maybe even a little chubby).  Tonka’s foster family is pleased to have helped him, but it is time for him to find a “forever” home. 

His foster family feels that the best home for Tonka will be a home where he is the only pet.  He is shy when meeting people but once he knows you; he wants to be near you as much as possible.  Tonka loves being brushed and enjoys playing-catnip mice are a favorite.  He is also very content to hang-out with you while you watch TV or sleep.  He does not need to be adopted with his brother. Apply for Tonka today!

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