Featured Furkid: Sasha

When a Furkids volunteer heard barking behind an empty grocery store in December 2012, she found a frightened, homeless dog living on a filthy old mattress pad. Furkids shelter managers were called to the help. What they saw was an injured, desperate dog, abandoned and barking for defense – and for help.  Lauren Frost, one of the managers, returned to earn the dog’s trust. Slowly, the dog stopped barking, calmed down, and allowed Lauren to be her friend (pictured left).  Furkids brought her into its program, named her Sasha and placed her into a loving foster home. Sasha was spayed, tested for heartworms and received all of her vaccinations.  
Today, happy, sweet Sasha is living in a dedicated foster home full of love, and waiting for someone to adopt her. Thankfully, wounds on her ears, tail and back are healed and her body and spirit are whole again. Sasha's foster mom always keep two foster dogs at a time. Since January 2013 Sasha has experienced 5 foster brothers and sisters (Chestnut, Greta, Cookie, Cerise, Shamus). Four have already been placed in adoptive homes. Sasha always remains. 
Sasha is the best example of a pit bull you will find! She is smart, kind, loving and friendly toward other dogs. She often boards and plays in daycamp at Best Little Dog House in Georgia with a variety of dogs her size (see slideshow below). She has attended multiple events with children, like a March of Dimes walk and did fantastic! She is crate and house trained and knows sit! She is trained to snuggle too and enjoys watching TV and looking at herself in the mirror. 
Please look past her breed and look at the wonderful dog within. Look at her personality and her love of life! She WILL make a fanastic companion for almost any household willing to give her a chance! E-mail [email protected] with additional questions. It is Sasha's turn!!! Apply today at www.furkids.org
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