Featured Dog - Jay Jeffries

Watch me go! I'm Jay Jeffries, a 5-month-old Lab/Border Collie Mix. I was the largest in my litter of three, weighing in these days at 25-pounds of black-and-white cute. And I have more growing to do with my tall legs. Full grown I will be 50-60 lbs of sweetness! It will be great to play, learn my manners and bond with my forever family, after my previous owners gave me away at a flea market! A very nice veterinarian saw me and my sisters and saved us at only 8-weeks-old.  My sisters have been adopted, but I am still waiting. I am very loyal, love to be loved, and very well-behaved (for a puppy). I am great on a leash and rather quiet. I would make an excellent family dog since I am good with kids and other dogs! I hope someone sees this and adopts me. Fill out an application now! 


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