Captain Furkid Needs New "Legs"!

captainMan-o-man, it's storming out there! We need a leader...a strong and brave Captain to guide us through...and LOOK! Here he comes now!!!

Captain Furkid! - you can call him Captain, or even Cap, he's down with that - came to Furkids from animal control. He is a big lover boy, with a big problem. Both of his hind legs are severely deformed. Captain has been walking on his back "knees", for his whole life. They are now breaking down; and he is at serious risk for deadly skin and bone infections.

captainlegsCaptain has waited patiently, and not-so-patiently, for his medical team to develop a care plan for him. Unfortunately, he is becoming extremely frustrated with the incessant bandage changes; and he is developing bloody ulcers on both legs. He is also very anxious to have the freedom to roam. He has made it abundantly clear, he cannot wait any longer for treatment. 

His vets have considered two options for Captain. One is the surgical removal of the lower parts of his deformed legs, so he could wear lightweight, custom prosthetics. This sounds like sensible option on the surface, but Captain would need two major amputations, he would have a long recovery and adjustment, and the prosthetics would be expensive. The second option is far simpler - braces that would fit over his legs as they are, providing cushioning for the damaged knees, and reducing back strain by making all his "legs" the same length. His transition and adjustment time would be much shorter. Also, the casting and prosthetics together for this procedure would total $1500, a fraction of the cost of option 1 ($5000). On the down side, Captain might need skin grafts on his bleeding knees before he tries the braces; and there is a distinct possibility that he will still be in severe pain, unable to walk comfortably.

captaindrawingFurkids hopes to move forward with option two for Captain immediately, but we are waiting for the all clear from his veterinary team. It is possible he will not qualify for this surgery and need option #1. We know that underneath all the discomfort lies the heart of a true champion...a champion who wants to go places and do things, instead of waiting around to get those bum legs fixed.

Your kind thoughts and prayers are greatly appreciated, as we try to get the Big Guy on his feet.

If you would like to donate toward Captain's "new legs", please do so now. [add_to_cart item="09042014" quantity="user:1" text="Donate to Captain's New Legs"]  

You will be hearing more about the Captain's March to Mobility in the weeks to come - he is a Furkids staff and volunteer favorite; and we will see to it that, one way or another, Captain finds his path. Then, look out world, Captain Furkid is free at last!

Thank you, we love our supporters! You make all the difference in the world to us and our animals, and a special thank you to his devoted foster mom Nancy. We know Captain loves and appreciates you and we do too!!!

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