Baby Kittens with Special Needs Fight to Survive


The phone rang. Animal Control was calling about four more bottle babies found abandoned. We already had more than 20 bottle kittens in foster homes already, but how could we say no? They know we are suckers for those tiny little things! These were only two weeks old and needed our help at a fighting chance to survive, but there was more. They didn't just need our help to be fed round the clock, these were extra special babies. 


Meet Osiris, Inara, Persephone and Malakbel (pictured left)

Persephone and Malakbel were each missing a half of one of their rear legs when they were bought into animal control. It was obvious that it was an injury that had begun to heal, but at 2-weeks-old without a mother and out alone for who knows how long their chances at survival were slim. 

We have honestly never seen anything like this before. We will never know how these injuries happened. 


leg 1

All four kittens are now safe and sound in a great foster home that is bottle feeding them every 2 hours. Injuries like these are at risk of bone infections and have to be monitored closely. After a few days in foster care they were brought to the vet and given antibiotics since one of their legs is infected, but it is getting better! 

We hope and pray they will survive and they will eventually have amputation surgeries when they are big and strong, until then we just have to keep them alive!

Make a donation NOW toward their care: 

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